Why I’m Doing a No Buy Year for 2022
I’m turning 31. Woohoo! It’s been a strange transition to a new decade of my life: the lofty goals I had for the last few years of my twenties were stalled, paused, and partially abandoned when “COVID-19” started making headlines.
As we (re)emerged (again and again) from lockdowns and a lot of hours in lounge wear, I found my wardrobe wasn’t working for me like it used to.
I was no longer going downtown to an office everyday and no longer meeting clients face to face. I’m married. I’m no longer backpacking through hostels when I get the chance to travel. I’m less interested in showing as much leg as possible. My body’s changed and my standards for comfort have evolved. Keepsake items that I held onto because they represented a version of myself, a place I visited, or a time in my life were now just taking up space - space we really needed as we had nowhere else to go.
So, some purging and shopping began. Riding the excuse of a post-COVID/thirties refresh, I wanted my wardrobe to reflect the woman I’m becoming and the lifestyle I want for the decade ahead. A wonderful and necessary idea… in theory.
Unfortunately, I am prone to excess…
& that refresh turned into a full on overhaul.
I have a bigger budget than in my twenties, but in the world of fashion there’s always more, more, more. I swore off fast fashion years ago, understanding the devastating effects it has on the (mostly) women producing the garments and the environment bearing the brunt of petroleum-based textile production. But better quality and more ethical clothing comes with a higher price tag. After solely seeking out natural fibres and beginning to dabble in designer, it was easy to get carried away.
I found myself looking for things to buy, scrolling through online shops and opening marketing emails with gusto, rather than letting needs in my life dictate my purchasing habits. Numbing out by shopping, distracting myself from my feelings and goals,
I was focusing on never-ending, neat and tidy problems: find the perfect pair of black shorts/travel bag/winter boots/[insert item du jour], rather than the real dilemmas: how do I want to pivot my career and design my life over the next decade?
So, in an attempt to correct course I’m swearing off shopping. I did the same last year when my birthday hit. In 2021, I only made it from March to October, when a trip to Montreal saw a fuzzy terry cloth t-shirt slip into my wardrobe. From there it was a quick slide into the holiday season aaaand the rest was just a few clicks away.
We’re trying again and hopefully this more public declaration and documentation can get me all the way to 2023 (and beyond?).
The Rules
No buying clothing, shoes, or accessories
No new makeup or skincare, with the exception of replacing key items
Exceptions may be made for…
Special Events: Some of my closest people are getting married this year. If I’m asked to wear something specific for a wedding party or theme, and don’t already own something that meets the requirements, I’m happy making the bride/groom happy
Health: I have had some heel and back issues, so if I need to replace shot running shoes, get a knee brace, or buy some other apparatus that protects my body and helps me safely stay active, that’s acceptable
Get rid of anything that isn’t being used, isn’t comfortable, or no longer reflects my style on a regular (monthly or bimonthly) basis
Be conscious of the ‘why’: why certain pieces are being worn the most, why desire arises for certain pieces (as I’m sure it will), why some garments I’m not wearing are sticking around, etc.
This space is a way to hold myself accountable and document the lessons I learn along the way. I may share other musings, favourites, and reflections as they come about beyond the scope of style and clothing. Thanks for reading and following along. Away we go! Bye bye buying!
Wish me luck (and happy birthday).